
Acupuncture is the use of fine sterile needles inserted at specific points of the body to rebalance the internal environment, re-establish homeostasis, resulting in treating the discomfort and supporting optimal health.  According to traditional theories acupuncture influences our vital force, or Qi, of the body.  It has been established that acupuncture regulates the endocrine and nervous systems which is why it is so effective in treating all sorts of conditions. Traditionally, acupuncture is viewed as a painless therapy.  Most people find treatments relaxing and rejuvenating and associate acupuncture with pain management. An added benefit is the sense of calm people often walk away with.


facial rejuvenation acupuncture

Facial acupuncture and gua sha can increase facial tone, decrease puffiness around the eyes, as well as bring more firmness to the skin, enhance the radiance of the complexion, and flesh out sunken areas by producing collagen. Customarily, fine wrinkles will disappear, and deeper ones reduced. As this treatment is not merely confined to the face, but incorporates the entire body and constitutional issues of health. Facial acupuncture treatment involves a gradual, healthful process that is customized for each individual.

The natural botox my friends.

pediatric acupuncture

All treatments are designed to fit your child’s needs, while I use a painless method called shonishin, used for thousands of years in China, and perfected a couple centuries later in Japan. Pediatric acupuncture, as well as herbal formulas created specifically for children, are an excellent first line defense against ear infections, lowered immunity, restless sleeping, and more.

herbal consultation

Herbal medicine is an effective and safe way to treat all types of conditions, acute or chronic, especially excellent for pediatric and gynecological issues. Herbal medicine behaves as acupuncture in a bottle. It continues and enforces the desired effects of acupuncture long after the treatment, and is often recommended for more in depth, chronic conditions.

In an herbal consultation we will go over desired treatment goals, followed by a medical history consultation. Within 48 hours, I will prescribe a specific blend of herbs.

Please note, if a patient is already taking several medications and supplements, herbs may not be effective or safe.

*Herbal formula costs are not included in the consultation fee.


Cupping is a technique that has been used for thousands of years by utilizing the therapeutic benefits of light suction. Cups are placed at certain points on the surface of the skin.

This process is a straightforward and highly effective technique to ease muscle and nerve pain by promoting circulation. Copping is typically used alongside acupuncture to treat the pain.

The use of suction has simultaneous benefits including: a release of the myofascial layers and connective tissue, support to the body’s internal waste removal responses via fresh blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. 


  • Muscle pain and tension

  • Injury recovery

  • Physical and Emotional Stress

  • Menstrual Irregularities and discomfort

  • Digestion

  • Asthma and Chest Pain